BHGC Leagues


Bay Hills Gentleman’s Group League


  • Tuesdays & Thursday Morning Men’s League (Anyone Can Play)
  • 9 am Shotgun
  • Rotating Formats, Handicapped
  • Long Drive and Closest to the pin competition
  • Sign-up 24 hours in advance, arrive by 8:30 am for pairings

Click the button below to email Austin Shuttle for more information or to sign up!

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Night League

Join us Tuesday Nights starting in April and running through the end of October!
$40 Includes; Golf, Cart, and Dinner
Weekly Prizes, Competitions and Giveaways

    Click the button below to email Austin Shuttle for more information or to sign up!

    BHGC – Ladies League

    Welcome to the Bay Hills Ladies Golf League Site


    The Bay Hills Women’s Golf Association plays 18 holes of golf weekly at Bay Hills Golf Course in Arnold MD.

    We play each Tuesday from April through October. Players are placed in flights according to their golf handicaps and compete within the flight and the league as a whole for lowest score and other skill indicators. Prizes are awarded weekly and presented at our annual luncheon in November. A member must have competed a minimum of 10 times in the league to be eligable for prizes.

    League participants are to maintain an established PGA Mid-Atlantic handicap of less than 41 throughout the season. New members must have an established 18-hole handicap prior to joining.

    Click the button below to email Austin Shuttle for more information or to sign up!